published work

Blessed Leap, chapbook, published as an artwork in exhibition, A Reflection on the Sublime, conceived by Kazuna Taguchi and structured by Soshiro Matsubara, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art
鵬, essay published in Kazuna Taguchi's exhibition catalog for A Reflection on the Sublime

selected reviews and interviews

“Inside a Japanese Feminist Publishing House and Bookstore: An Interview with etc.books," The Margins, Transpacific Literary Project, Asian American Writer's Workshop, July 2023
"Critic's Pick: Masaya Chiba," Artforum
“Inner Healing with Crickets and Seeds: Interview with Umico Niwa,” Art Asia Pacific, February 8, 2023
“Tokyo: Kazuna Taguchi,” Issue 130, Art Asia Pacific, Sep/Oct 2022