a site of unforgetting was a group show at Practice in Yonkers, curated by Banyi Huang.
I'm excited by the multiple dimensions that the sculpture is inhabiting, predicting my set in the future
but pieced together by different tokens of love from friends I stayed with during my summer tour
Other works include drawings of birds from the Yonkers flea market and a video of a performance I did at the Community Action Center

Untitled (August friendship futon assemblage), 2018
strings, beads, halter top, pipe cleaner, love candle, microphone

Untitled (August friendship futon assemblage), 2018

Untitled, 2018
Watercolor, gouache, marker, pencil on paper

Installation view of Performance at Community Action Center, 2018
digital video

Still and video of Performance at Community Action Center, 2018
digital video